This has been on my mind all morning, and I feel like I need to share it with you.
In times of instability, as best you can, focus on stability.
When overwhelmed with a deluge of information and disruption, focus on creating stability where you can.
If someone is purposely creating chaos and trying to overwhelm you, realize that they are trying to create instability because it makes you more vulnerable and easier to manipulate.
The most powerful action you can take against an oppressor is to shift your focus to creating stability.
If you are too tired and exhausted to create stability, simply look around you and notice the stability that already exists. Things like:
The sun rises every morning.
Your body breathes for you.
Your heart beats consistently.
The floor underneath you is solid.
Then think of something very small that you can do to create more stability for yourself. Can you:
Set up your morning coffee?
Go put gas in your car?
Plug your car in so it's warm in the morning?
Take a nap?
Nothing massive, just a small thing that makes your world more safe, more stable, more secure.
It's understandable to feel helpless against a seemingly giant opponent. That's what they want, but we don't have to fall for it.
Stability and safety is what I want for all of us, especially you.
Warm regards,
P.S. If you'd like more words of comfort, I've included a YouTube below.
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